Thursday, June 17, 2010

You Wouldn't Have Thought...

There are many secrets in the library mother, bless her, visited my library for the first time last month. While here, she discovered something: she knew that Reader's Digest had a large-print edition, but not that books were available in large-print, too.

Oh, yeah, you betcha. Libraries do a brisk circulation in large-print books. You might want to think about large-print, even if you don't think you're ready for it yet. If you like to read in bed, at night, large print books will make that easier. (No, they won't be too heavy--large print books are printed on thinner paper, so they have more pages, but don't weigh much more than regular books.)

Here's another way to use a part of the library you didn't thing you were interested in: let's say you're interested in learning something new--how to crochet, or appreciate opera, or how to start birdwatching. Go to the children's section and look for a book on the subject of interest. Chances are, most of the information you are looking for is going to be in a book which is fun to read, and well illustrated, with less important, or extraneous information left out.

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