Friday, May 14, 2010

Is Your Life an Open (Face)Book?

I was looking up email addresses for newspapers today, and happened upon a couple of articles about local officials who'd posted photos of themselves on Facebook, doing things which, well, let's just say that they'll probably not use these same photos in campaign literature. There were also quotes shown, which, well, you wouldn't repeat them to grandma. Not my grandma, at least.

Many people use the library computers to get online, and they do their Internet business--email, Facebook, personals ads, etc.--at the library. I remember when computers were introduced in public libraries, and there were fears of allowing people to do anything more than "serious" research. I knew of libraries that did not allow users to access email, or shopping websites. Of course, email was 90-95% of what people wanted to do...

To learn more about social networking sites, like Twitter and Facebook, go to the Troy Public Library. They are offering workshops on these two sites. Twitter will be the focus on Monday, the 17th, at 6:00; a Facebook workshop will be held the following night, at the same time. Call them at 274-7071 for more information. You never know when you might want to run for public office.

In the meantime here's a few links to articles on Facebook privacy:

Tell-All Generation Learns to Keep Things Offline

7 Things to Stop Doing Now on Facebook


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